Holden Cruze: you can tell it where to go

We were asked to demonstrate a product innovation, in an innovative way.

Our client GM-Holden was launching the Holden Cruze: a new model featured a new voice-controlled UI, including Google Maps integration.

We created an online test drive of the technology, in the form of a highly interactive web ad that invited you to speak the name of a destination — and be taken on a virtual test-drive to that place, without leaving your laptop.

A genuinely enjoyable demonstration of the tech, and the car (and our skill!)

A genuinely enjoyable demonstration of the tech, and the car (and our skill!)

Just like the new Cruze, this experience featured a ton of engineering under the hood, a slick interface, and some powerful safety features:

  • We leveraged the beta version of the HTML5 Google Voice SDK — tuned to the Kiwi accent

  • We built a web scraper that captured street view sequences of your journey in the background as PNGs, and stitched them into video, on the fly

  • And we built ten different safety fallback versions for browser and OS compatibility — can’t have a car technology demo causing your laptop to crash, now, can we?!

And of course, we invited users to experience the tech for real, by adding a book-a-test-drive form field to the unit.


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